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uA 741 Pre-amplifier Guitar Schematic

uA 741 Pre-amplifier Guitar Schematic
uA 741 Pre-amplifier Guitar Schematic

A preamplifier ambit acceptable for aerial impedance blazon electric guitar pickups is accustomed here.The ambit is based on a uA 741 op-amp (IC1).The IC1 is active as a non-inverting amplifier.The POT R1 can be acclimated as a aggregate controller.The POT R6 can be acclimated as accent controller.The about-face S1 is acclimated to aftermath “brilliant” or “soft” tonal effects.


* Assemble the ambit on a acceptable affection PCB or accepted board.

* The amplifier can be powered from a 12V array or 12V DC ability supply.

* Up to 24 V DC can be acclimated to ability the circuit.i acclaim 12 V DC.

* The IC 1 should be army on an IC abject .

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