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Solar Charge Controller Circuit

Solar Charge Controller Circuit
Solar Charge Controller Circuit

The antecedent adaptation of this accessory acclimated beating amplitude accentuation (pwm) to ascendancy the ability from the bristles solar panels to allegation the array bank. Under abounding sun altitude the MOSFETS got a bit balmy and the accomplished assemblage broadcast a lot of RFI. This architecture uses a set of relays - one for anniversary panel. If the ambassador decides the array voltage is too low, it engages addition relay; if its too high, it drops one out. This tends to 'float' the voltage at about 14 volts as continued as acceptable sunlight is available.

The ambassador additionally accouterments a arrangement appearance interface (open beneficiary TTL, 9600 baud). This makes it accessible to 'tweak' the allegation settings application a terminal affairs and an RS-232 to TTL interface (coming to this web armpit soon). If you accept to alike this device, you may leave out the arrangement being and 'hardwire' the allegation settings in software.

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